Congratulations! You and your fiancee ventured down to the courthouse and filed all the necessary paperwork to get your official marriage license. You’re one step closer to becoming a Mrs.
We hate to burst your bubble… but obtaining your marriage license that proudly displays your new last name is only the first step in changing your last name from a Miss to a Mrs. But don’t worry! Persnickety is here to help.
To help save you time and frustration, Persnickety has gathered the most important steps to follow when getting ready to legally change your name for marriage.
Step One. The Certified Marriage License

The First Step in taking the Plunge!
Obtaining your official certified marriage license is the first step to changing your last name. You will need the original document with a raised seal and your brand new last name printed on it. You can get this from your local courthouse.
Before you can change your name, you’ll need the original (or certified) marriage license with the raised seal and your new last name printed on it. Call the clerk’s office where your license was filed to get copies if one wasn’t automatically sent to you.
Step Two. The Social Security Card

A vital piece of documentation that will need to have your new last name.
This is an important step. You can visit the Social Security Administration’s website to fill out the application for a new Social Security card. For more information and to find the application, you can visit the SSA’s information page here.
Your social security number and information should remain the same; the only difference will be the change in your last name. You should receive your new social security card about two weeks after you submit your application.
Step Three. The Driver’s License
Nobody enjoys a trip to the Department of Motor Vehicles, but hopefully it will be a smooth process the day you visit so you can grab a brand spanking new form of ID with your married name. It is a good idea to bring your old driver’s license, your new marriage license, and new social security card with you when you visit the DMV for proof of identification.
It’s an even better idea to double check your state’s DMV website before to see if they list any specifics of what to bring when you pay them a visit. It will help make the DMV process less painful!
For information on changing your name on your license in Pennsylvania, click here.
For information on changing your name in Maryland, click here.
For information on changing your name in New Jersey, click here.
Step Four. The Bank Account
If you have already created a joint bank account with your fiancee, you might have already finished this step. Make sure to visit your bank and bring as many forms of ID as you can. Double check with your bank before heading out to see if they require any specific forms of ID.
Be sure to also order new checks with your new name and address. You can check with your bank about changing the name on your credit and debit card as well.
Step Five. Everything Else!
Some other items you might want to keep in mind when changing your name legally are:
- Your Passport
- Doctor’s Records
- Voter Registration (we’re in a big election year, after all!)
- Insurance Information
- Payroll and Employer’s Records
- Electric, Water, or Utilities Accounts
We hope this helps! Thanks so much to Head Over Heels for the awesome infographic!